Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The start.

I've wanted to start a blog I'm really dedicated to for a long time now, and while I have tried a book review blog, a strictly OOTD (Out Of The Day) blog, and even a random blog, nothing really stuck. But now, bloggers are popping up everywhere and I want to offer my blogging skills to the blogging community, this time with more focus and drive than before.

I want to post my outfits.

I want to post my recent purchases, whether they be books, movies, music, magazines, clothes, shoes, nail polish, or even food.

I want to post my daily "diary" entries of randomosity, that occur quite often.

I want to get recognized for just being me.

So, if you're still a little weary, I understand because maybe I have bored you. However, once this blog really gets started, I bet you might change your mind. I'm going to focus mostly on fashion and writing, my two major loves, but I will post whatever I feel like too. I am addicted to Instagram, so also many of my posts may have (edited) pictures from my iPhone 4 (like the picture in this post, which is of my hair). I do plan on (hopefully) having my outfit pictures taken by my wonderful cousin who has an amazing DSLR camera. But if not, the quality of camera is not what makes a picture good, it's what the identity of the picture really says.

I named this blog brunette silhouette because I have a Tumblr of the same name, and I am a brown-haired girl with a shy silhouette of a mind. I intend to branch out this year when I start college, and maybe that will encourage some posts that spark your interest.

And just to clear it up (as if anyone is wondering), I probably won't be posting everyday, but I will try to post as often as possible because blogging is a nice creative outlet that can relieve the stress I don't wish to have.

Until next time,
brunette silhouette :)